Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Arylic nails aren't for eveyone. Which is why it's best to offer different services to meet the needs for each individual  so I do offer manicures  A good mani should last about 45 min. I soak each hand shape and fill then push back your cuticles never clipping them off as this will result in having thicker cuticles growing back and nobody wants that. I then move on to a sugar scrub that helps remove all dead skin from your hands( yes we all have it no matter how much we wash our hands)  then wrap your hands in a warm towel and let them relax. Next after removing the sugar scrub I use a illuminating mask and I wrap your hands again using a warm cloth and let them relax and absorb the mask. For polishing your nails that it should be best done in three strokes. The first stroke should go in the center. Then, second and third motion of strokes should be done on the sides of the nail. After the first coat is completely dried, begin the next coat for a more deep color. Most professionals prefer to apply three layers of nail coat, starting from base coat, first nail polish coat and ending with a second coat of the colored nail polish. But you can also apply a top coat sealant on top of the second coat to get an extra glossy finish on your nails. The top coat sealant takes a lot of time to dry, therefore don’t make a mistake of touching anything and ruining your labor.Beautiful nails essentials for a great looking you.

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