Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Nail removal

Many women like the idea of having their nails done. When one chips or breaks it tends to be bothersome and some women like to chew their nails off. This however is a huge mistake. Not only is it painful it could cause some serious damage to your tender nailbeds. Many nail salons offer the removal service for a small fee of course. And some like to slip a credit card underneath your nail and pop it off. Never ever let someone intentionally pop off your acrylic nails. Artificial nails should always be soaked in a glass bowl with pure acetone for at least 15 minutes. Once removed from the pure acetone you can use a utensil to gently scrape off the acrylic. This will safely remove the acrylic without damaging your nailbeds. P a acetone is inexpensive but very poisonous please be very careful when around small children. When you're soaking your nails in pure acetone be sure you have the time and patience to do so. You well not be able to multitask as your fingers are soaking in pure acetone. The acetone may get very cold but this is very common. Also be sure he your bowl is made of glass or ceramic never ever use a plastic bowl. As a nail technician it is not only my job to give you beautiful nails but to also educate you in maintaining your beautiful nails.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


With much respect and love. God bless those families and victims of 9-11